Pieter made some archery targets!

A technical approach to Larp weaponry
Pieter made some archery targets!
The Universal Larp Association has a writeup of Boffer Larps and why they matter. This site aims to be a resource for all foamsmiths, but boffers in particular. Full disclosure, the current staff of foamsmithing.com all play Dargarth, a Boffer Larp.
Top hit for ‘foamsmithing’: http://sites.google.com/site/varangia2/foamsmithing
It’s a larp website that hasn’t be updated in two years. It ought to be Dagorhir’s weapons forum, Belegarth’s weapons building forum, geddon.org, or nearly anything other than a vastly scattered, unuthoritative list of broken links.
We will try to fix this by distributing our knowledge as best as possible! If you are interesting in helping us highlight the best of foamsmithing on the web, email contact@foamsmithing.com. Thanks!